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Meet Your New Credit Consultant,


We’re Here to Help You


Being a top debt collector is what fueled me to understanding the credit industry and the laws behind it. I have a passion for assisting clients getting inaccuracies, incomplete and unverifiable information removed from the report. I have literally sat in the same seat you are before. I have witnessed the trials and tribulations to having a 20% interest rate, hearing the constant words from lenders, do you have a co signor? I say this to say I have spent countless of hours studying the rights of the consumer.

TopTier1Empire has offered credit repair and other related services since 2021. From errors in your reports to credit improvement strategies, we work with each client to find the best solutions.


We're an innovative team of professional and experienced individuals who understand exactly what it takes to remove financial errors from your records. Moreover, we work thoroughly and diligently in order to understand each specific case and find even more ways to improve our clients credit scores.

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